DreadOut Movie is the first live action adaptation produced based on an Indonesian survival horror game DreadOut developed by Digital Happiness, an indie game developer from Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It is an international collaboration project between Indonesia, Korea, and Japan.

Under goodhouse id production company. Directed by Kimo Stamboel from the producer of recent Netflix’s The Night Comes For Us (2018), and famously directed Headshot (2016), Killers (2014) and Macabre (2013) under The Mo brothers. Co-produced by CJ Entertainment, Sky Media, Nimpuna Sinema and Lyto Games.

Even without being labelled as a direct adaptation of the game, DreadOut movie will still maintain the basic concept of survival horror in the original DreadOut game and further deepen the lores behind the Dread universe, it also set as prequel to the main story of DreadOut game as well.


As a result of envy and hoping to gain more popularity through social media,

a group of high school students went to a haunted apartment to record their activities.

Accidentally, they opened a mysterious portal and woke up the devil who dragged them into hell.

Directed by: Kimo Stamboel

Production House: GoodHouse

In Association with:
CJ Entertainment, SkyMedia, Nimpuna Sinema & LytoGame



Supporting Casts

Available on NETFLIX

Theatrical Release Poster